Community in Action

Holiday Harmony

Many of you, who came of age in the 1970s like me, remember being inspired by a television commercial. It was a Coca Cola commercial, where a lighted candle appears on the screen, and we see a young, beautiful woman singing, “I’d Like the World to Sing in Perfect Harmony,” the camera pans out. We

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Our Shining Beautiful Community Glimmers this Holiday Season

While we love our words on Shining Beautiful, it is difficult to string them together in such a way as to capture the camera sees and what are hearts feel during the holiday season. Each year, we have two major events, a holiday party and Mikelle’s birthday party. These celebrations not only connect Mikelle to

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#3 Strategy for Using Old School Ways to Embrace New World Rehabilitation Realities…Community Partnerships

Once upon a time, communities were closed to people with disabilities. Steps and curbs prohibited people with mobility challenges, like my daughter Mikelle, from accessing transportation, government buildings, entertainment venues and market places. It didn’t stop there. The doors to regular education were closed tight for all, but typical children. Access to housing and employment

#3 Strategy for Using Old School Ways to Embrace New World Rehabilitation Realities…Community Partnerships Read More »

Party Time… Community Time! Leading by Example on Her Bday

Mikelle throws unforgettable parties, and her 30th birthday party today proved once again her uncanny ability to bring together an unexpected community of people in all different places in life with one common denominator: we are all addicted to hanging out with Mikelle. Mikelle expressed herself with her normally unique style that can’t help but

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