
Love in the Crossfire: Navigating Valentine’s Day in a Divided World

The Lingering Scent of Conflict Conflict smells vague and bitter—like day-old coffee, sulfur before a match ignites, or uncollected trash lingering too long on a sweltering day. It clings to frozen sidewalks on a frosty morning, settling into the cracks of daily life. Left unattended, conflict can shudder a window, shut a door, or close a once-open […]

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Blue sky above a field of sunflowers.

Employment for All: Cultivating Opportunities for People with Disabilities

Jumpstarting Results For quite some time, I, like many of you, have been searching for ways to improve supported employment outcomes for people with disabilities. While some states lead the way with higher job placements, more hours, and better financial rewards for supported employees, others struggle with what was once a fertile field of opportunities

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brown and white photo with people gathered around the kitchen table talking. Featured hands and coffee cups.

Conversations Over Coffee: Navigating a Chaotic World

The kitchen table in Mikelle’s cozy condo hosts countless conversations. It’s where the Shining Beautiful team gathers, supporting each other through the chaos and adventures of everyday life. Each day, the table—and sometimes the coffee table—is laden with coffee mugs, a fresh breakfast or a plate of freshly baked chocolate croissants, and the weight of

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To AI or Not to AI: We Navigate this Important New Technology for People with Disabilities.Navigating the Decision Individuals with Disabilities 

To AI or Not to AI: that is the question. As with any technology, there are risks and values of technology for all of us. Mikelle and I have been exploring using artificial intelligence in everyday life in low-risk areas. For example, I asked AI a simple question: Can you write a letter to the

To AI or Not to AI: We Navigate this Important New Technology for People with Disabilities.Navigating the Decision Individuals with Disabilities  Read More »

a small peninsula with old Mediterranean buildings overlooking an azure colored sea

The No New Year’s Resolution Revolution: Embracing Personal Growth Without Pressure

When the New Year bell rang, I decided it was time for the Christmas tree to come down. For Mikelle, it was a bittersweet moment. Her month-long party had come to an end. She wore her disappointment stoically as she watched me take down the garland, the twinkling lights she loved, and finally, the treasured

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NDEAM-October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month

The Employment First Advisory Partnership, which I have been fortunate to be CO-Chair since its legislative inception continues to make progress in raising awareness regarding the employment of people with disabilities in Colorado through our efforts with our agency and local partnerships, which include Colorado APSE, the Division for Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of Education, Department

NDEAM-October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month Read More »

Will the Pioneer Generation become the Generation in Crisis?

Is the aging caregiver crisis just around the corner? Her passing set in motion a cascade of decisions that triggered deep thought about my passing and preparation for when, as one of my fellow special needs parents says, “We fall off our perch.” The Problem. In the U.S. today, there are nearly one million households

Will the Pioneer Generation become the Generation in Crisis? Read More »