The No New Year’s Resolution Revolution: Embracing Personal Growth Without Pressure

When the New Year bell rang, I decided it was time for the Christmas tree to come down. For Mikelle, it was a bittersweet moment. Her month-long party had come to an end. She wore her disappointment stoically as she watched me take down the garland, the twinkling lights she loved, and finally, the treasured ornaments that held the family history within their shining walls.

All she could see was my head-down approach of ass and elbows as I moved in fast motion, getting everything down and stored in the bowels of our condo building. Once downstairs in the basement, I decided our little four-foot by two-foot chainlink storage cubby needed its takedown. I had already removed the tree from the living room and felt compelled to tackle the storage unit for the first time in five years.

The need to purge and cleanse grew every hour as if ignited by some unknown fuel.

Mikelle caught the fever, too. With Maryann’s help, they completely reorganized her shelving unit and closet, tossing all the unnecessary items into a box. Bags of donations are stacked up near the door. Daily trips to the donation center, which I had grown so familiar with while cleaning out Mom’s home, once again became part of my routine.

Slipping Away

In mid-January, I seized the opportunity to have a few nights off. All the girls could cover my shifts, so I had some rare free time. But where to go? I wasn’t in the mood to spend much money, haunted by the looming prospect of HVAC and vet bills for our two cats. I knew expenses were coming; I didn’t know how much they would be.

Fortunately, living in Colorado offers residents affordable getaway options. Just fifteen minutes from Denver lies the old mining town of Golden, nestled at the base of the foothills. This small community, home to the premier Colorado School of Mines—the western MIT—retains its western charm despite much of Colorado’s growth.

For just $100 a night, I could escape the nightly interruptions from a loving but hungry cat and a beautiful daughter needing to go to the bathroom. A king-size bed awaited me in my extra-large room at the Table Mesa Inn. Downstairs at the hotel bar, I treated myself to a Blue Moon beer, a plate of street tacos, and a slice of key lime pie.

Initially, I thought Golden would be my evening spot, with plans to venture up to Boulder for the day or down to Evergreen for a walk around the lake. However, I was content staying put, enjoying peaceful walks, and visiting a local coffee shop.

Discovering all things Mediterranean.

Sitting at the local coffee shop, I sipped my hot tea and scrolled through my phone when an article caught my eye— it was about the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Mikelle and I were already familiar with the diet, incorporating many of its recommended foods into our meals. However, the article highlighted something new that resonated with me: beyond the diet itself, the associated lifestyle, characterized by its low-stress levels, significantly enhances its benefits.

Slowing down to live longer.

Eating well under high stress is better than eating poorly under the same conditions, but it’s not as beneficial as combining a healthy diet with a low-stress lifestyle.

The Lightbulb Goes On

As I sat over that steaming cup of tea, a realization dawned on me—perhaps influenced by my age, or possibly because many people close to me passed away in 2023. I decided that this year would not be about big goals or resolutions. It would be quite the opposite: no goals, pressure, or push. I resolved to free Mikelle and myself from the traditional New Year’s resolutions. We might never return to them.

Mikelle and I are now embarking on a different journey. We let go of rigid goals to let life flow freely, like a river. Our destination? Healthy living and sheer enjoyment.

Embracing a Resolution-Free Lifestyle:

I reflected more on this approach to life, which champions freedom and flexibility and the ability to find peace even amid chaos. Growth is not my priority this year. This mindset stems from the solid foundation we’ve already built. Now, it’s time for us to simply enjoy the fruits of our efforts.

What is the Mediterranean Lifestyle?

According to Chatgbt, these elements are included.

Physical Activity:
  • Outdoor Living: The Mediterranean climate encourages outdoor activities. Residents often walk, cycle, and enjoy nature.
  • Social Exercise: Physical activity is often integrated into social routines, such as walking with friends or participating in community events.
  • Family and Community Focus: The Mediterranean lifestyle strongly emphasizes family ties and community connections. Meals are often social events, bringing people together to share food and conversation.
  • Laid-Back Pace: A more relaxed approach to time and schedules promotes a less stressful and hurried lifestyle.
Cultural Practices:
  • Celebration of Food: Meals are not just for sustenance but are celebrated events. Slow, mindful eating is a cultural norm.
  • Festivals and Traditions: The Mediterranean region is rich in cultural festivals and traditions, providing a solid sense of community and shared heritage.
Connection with Nature:
    • Proximity to the Sea: Many Mediterranean communities are situated along coastlines, fostering a deep connection to the sea, which often influences lifestyle and diet.
    • Outdoor Living Spaces: Homes often feature outdoor spaces such as terraces and courtyards, encouraging outdoor living and socializing.
Balanced Work-Life Integration:
    • Siesta Culture: Some Mediterranean countries embrace the siesta tradition, with a break in the afternoon for rest and relaxation.
    • Emphasis on Leisure: Balancing work with leisure and enjoying life is a fundamental aspect of the Mediterranean lifestyle.
Culinary Enjoyment:
    • Diverse Flavors: Mediterranean cuisine is known for its rich, diverse flavors achieved through fresh, high-quality ingredients and herbs.
    • Mindful Eating: Meals are often enjoyed slowly, emphasizing savoring each bite and appreciating the sensory experience.
What is Missing from this List?

Social media, individual plans, paperwork, television—I’m not suggesting that we will abandon these entirely. However, we will transform TV viewing into a communal activity, focusing on meaningful programs that enrich us rather than the agitating news and constant fear that often dominate the media.

While our to-do list won’t vanish, the urgency we once felt toward self-imposed goals is diminishing. Life, after all, is a marathon, not a sprint. It isn’t about winning or losing; the journey ultimately enriches us. All Mikelle and I want is to embrace the beautiful life we’ve created together fully.