Special Needs Parenting

How Safe is your Family’s Medicaid Waiver?

Repeal and Replace On March 6, 2017, Congress unveiled its “Repeal and Replace Obamacare” proposal, a plan kept under wraps until that day. With the announcement, many of us were left scratching our heads, wondering if Medicaid services—services that so many families have come to rely on—would be fundamentally altered. Unfortunately, the answer is still […]

How Safe is your Family’s Medicaid Waiver? Read More »

Are you a “Prepper”?

I had the phone pinned against my ear talking to a friend while making Mikelle’s bed, sweeping the floor and reining in the morning chaos.  Mikelle’s VCR/TV played in the background. The Today Show typically brought light morning news and entertainment more like background noise on this sunny morning. That is until Katie Couric announced

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