
The conversation continues: Families at the Forefront of Technology Conference 2015

Check out this year’s presenters! To quote John F. Kennedy, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” At Shining Beautiful, we learned so much from last year’s conference. Mikelle is using the Pictello app on her iPad to hire

The conversation continues: Families at the Forefront of Technology Conference 2015 Read More »

What’s the #1 Old School Strategy for Negotiating New World Rehabilitation Realties?

“I don’t wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work.” Pearl S. Buck # 1. Self-reliance My daughter, Mikelle and I serve on several boards, commissions, committees and councils focused on the future on rehabilitation and special education services. We are

What’s the #1 Old School Strategy for Negotiating New World Rehabilitation Realties? Read More »

Texting With Words For Life And Text Plus App

What once looked like an expensive blank slate, void of the traditional programs typically loaded on desktop and laptop computers; Mikelle’s iPad has become populated with effective and inexpensive applications. After a somewhat lengthy discovery process, we have found two applications, which Brian Simms, her speech and language therapist, helped Mikelle learn to use. They

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