
It’s not March Madness, but it is Bracelet Bonanza!

March Madness does exist at Mikelle’s home, but it is more like madness for making money at her Bracelet Bonanza Party. While many things bring a smile to Mikelle’s face, nothing makes her more confident than gathering the green stuff in her small hand. At the first ever Social Security Beneficiaries Summit, via conference call,

It’s not March Madness, but it is Bracelet Bonanza! Read More »

Turn Branding to Familiarity for Small Business Start-Up Success!

Big corporations use the fancy term called “branding” and “brand awareness”. The goal is the same as it is as a small business owner trying to make a name for yourself: familiarity. The customer MUST become familiar with your business. Community building works towards the same goal, where you watch Mikelle help others become familiar

Turn Branding to Familiarity for Small Business Start-Up Success! Read More »