Independence Day with Mikelle: A Celebration of Freedom and Resilience

Independence Day is a time for celebration, reflection, and coming together as a community. It represents the freedom and independence that we all cherish. I think Mikelle embodies the true spirit of community, resilience, and the American desire and opportunities to achieve your dreams.

For many years, our family has celebrated Denver’s 3rd of July event at the Colorado State Capitol and Denver’s Civic Center Park. It has become our favorite holiday celebration, even surpassing Christmas. One reason we love it so much is that it requires little preparation. More importantly, it is a place for people to come together in a patriotic celebration reminiscent of a simpler time. It has a county fair feeling as children run around with glow lights, families picnic, and everyone enjoys the music and fireworks.

Back to Celebrating the 4th!

Since Covid, the celebrations have struggled to get back on track. Denver has faced challenges with unhoused people, many of whom are struggling with untreated mental health issues, making us question the safety of the event.

This year, even amidst the world’s challenges, our small corner of the world felt safe enough to return to Independence Day. We knew the event might be different than in the past—no fireworks but the debut of a drone show. And Mikelle loved it. She adored the festive conversations, people greeting each other, children running around, and the delightful intersection of neighbors walking and talking as they traveled the seven blocks to Civic Center Park.

Another benefit of this event is Mikelle’s total accessibility. She can go wherever she wants, just like everyone celebrating the dream.

The day started with a festive breakfast filled with pancakes, berries, and all the trimmings. The house buzzed excitedly as Mikelle dug out her full-size American flag, decorative stars and stripes hair bow, and well-decorated purse bearing the American flag and Minnie Mouse. That is American in Mikelle’s book. She was in her element, eagerly helping to hang decorations and arrange the table settings. Her laughter and enthusiasm set the tone for a joyous day ahead.

The Drone Show

The highlight of the evening was the spectacular drone show over the Capitol Building. As the drones lit up the sky in intricate patterns and colors, Mikelle’s face shone with awe and joy. The show symbolized freedom and innovation, reflecting the advancements and possibilities that lie ahead. Watching Mikelle’s reactions, it was clear that the evening was a resounding success.

We took a moment to reflect on Mikelle’s journey and achievements. Despite her challenges, her sense of freedom and independence is evident in everything she does. Her resilience and determination are truly inspiring.

After the show, we returned home, sharing our thoughts and memories of the day. We expressed our gratitude for the experiences and the sense of freedom that the day had brought. We ended the day with a quiet moment of reflection, emphasizing the importance of family, love, and the true meaning of independence.

Final Thoughts

Celebrating Independence Day with Mikelle highlighted her unique perspective on freedom. Her story is a powerful reminder of the challenges and triumphs that come with being adopted and living with a disability. It reinforced the message of inclusivity, independence, and the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. This day was a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the importance of celebrating our freedoms together.  Lucky for us, fireworks were found on the 4th of July.  Double fun!