Mikelle and I feel compelled to write about life with a disability, not just the challenges but the opportunities, the friendships, the innovations, and the brilliance of our communities in action as we share our everyday life living with a disability. With a little more information, motivation, we hope to share how our life is shining beautiful and maybe help you to shine beautiful, too.
Think Before You Buy! What You Need to Know before You Get an iPad for your Child with Special Needs
By Brian Simms (Mikelle’s AT Guy!) Colorado Therapy Associates My grandfather always said, “When all else fails…think.” That’s what he told his high school chemistry
Broncos and Boys, Celebrating Friendship Part 2
Well, the Part 2 didn’t go as planned. The Denver Broncos changed the time of training camp from afternoon to morning practice due to the
Bronco’s and Boys, Part 1
It is set. Next week we are heading off to Bronco Training Camp. Ian, Mikelle and me. Last year it was Tim Tebow, this year
Community in Action and Celebration
In a bone-dry park in the middle of Denver, Colorado—friends gathered for a celebration. Cool people came on this hot, record breaking summer day. The
A Safe Harbor in the Stormy World of Special Needs
Posted by Katherine Carol In rural Alabama, along the quiet shores of Lake Martin between the fresh paved two-lane highway and the naked hillside, not
The Most Beautiful Thing..Being a Parent
Posted by Adriana Carlson Pogar Note: Adriana has been a big part of creating our new book, Shining Beautiful. Additionally, Adriana She is a former
Recipe for the Perfect Cherry Pie
By Katherine Carol Take two twenty “somethings” dressed like early summer, one gliding gracefully, looking like a modern Renaissance painting, long, lightly seasoned red hair,
Mile High Drop In—Mile High Magic Mikelle Style
I love a good surprise. Not of the “psycho rips through the shower curtain with a knife” variety. No, no, that’s not my style. My
Persistence is the Wild Protection of a Dream.
Years ago my, then, teenage son, Kasey, gave me a small picture he had picked up at an office supply company as a Christmas gift.
How to Hold Your Balance in Chaos
Balance in Chaos: Finding Your Core Strength Balance. It seems like we are constantly searching for it in these turbulent, often chaotic, and even
Friends who Become Family
Two guys. One a barista, the other the boyfriend of my daughter, Mikelle’s roommate Lauren Lawton. Who says men don’t care? I say, men do
Adriana: Drumming in Denver—Listening to the Heartbeat of Community in Action
Confluence Park one Sunday evening to participate in the drumming circle and the fire dancing. We packed my djembe (a small African drum) and dressed