Mikelle and I feel compelled to write about life with a disability, not just the challenges but the opportunities, the friendships, the innovations, and the brilliance of our communities in action as we share our everyday life living with a disability. With a little more information, motivation, we hope to share how our life is shining beautiful and maybe help you to shine beautiful, too.
Life with Mikelle…The Battle of the Wheelchairs
By Taylor Mason Every day, multiple times throughout the day, Mikelle Learned makes the choice to switch from her power wheelchair to her manual
10 Things I Like About You
A Note from Katherine Carol. (the Mom) I sent this poem to members of the Roommate Club like Lauren Perfors, Kari Delany and Adriana Carlson
Battle of the Chairs
Chair vs Chair, Who Will Win Every day, multiple times throughout the day, Mikelle Learned makes the choice to switch from her power chair to
The Denver Community Celebrates the 4th of July!
By Mikelle Learned This year, like many before, I spent the night before Independence Day at Civic Center Park in downtown Denver. The Colorado
Party Time… Community Time! Leading by Example on Her Bday
Mikelle throws unforgettable parties, and her 30th birthday party today proved once again her uncanny ability to bring together an unexpected community of people in
Hundreds of Community Summit Enthusiasts!
Dropping in after day 2 of our Community Summit at Ellenburg, where we are speaking on engaging the community and connecting those with developmental disabilities.
A Humorous Look at Abilities and Disabilities We All Have
Phamaly Theatre Company – A Review of DisLabeled – Boulder, CO by Taylor Mason Mikelle, Katherine and I were recently invited by the Phamaly Theater
Inclusion Works. Mikelle and Jerome’s Lasting Friendship
A Case for Inclusion Mikelle Learned and Jerome Stewart were introduced to each other by a thoughtful teacher that had a hunch these two might
Meet Taylor Mason, Mikelle’s New Roommate
By Taylor Mason I, like most of Mikelle’s “roomies”, saw her ad on Craigs list and was intrigued. What it said was that I could
Will We Lose Funding for our Special Needs Children? Five Steps to Secure your Child’s Future.
It is nearly a month since President Obama issued an order instituting what’s known as sequestration. Deep spending cuts are not just on the horizon,
Tim’s Place- Another Example of the Brilliance of Community in Action.
I remember a time in rehabilitation history when we were eager to take the personality out of people with disabilities, wash them clean of anything
Getting the Most from Assistive Technology: Using the ECO for Texting
Like most people, Mikelle Learned loves to stay in touch using her cell phone. What used to work was calling her friends, support team members and