Mikelle and I feel compelled to write about life with a disability, not just the challenges but the opportunities, the friendships, the innovations, and the brilliance of our communities in action as we share our everyday life living with a disability. With a little more information, motivation, we hope to share how our life is shining beautiful and maybe help you to shine beautiful, too.
Mikelle Shows Us All to Set Goals
Why put on running shoes and hustle out the door AGAIN today? I mean seriously, I ran yesterday, I should be off the hook for
From Flab to Fab; the Mikelle Workout
From Flab to Fab, Abs Not Included the Mikelle Workout By Taylor Mason (Roommate, Friend and known for her frequent new hair styles) Every day
Mistakes, Coincidence and Chance: Necessary Ingredients for Supported Employment Success.
Fertile soil, water and sunshine are all necessary to yield bountiful crops. So, too, are mistakes, coincidence and chance essential ingredients for successful job development
Key Elements of Creativity in Supported Employment
How do You Get from Here to There? The first part of this series on X-treme Creativity focused on frustration and the desire for improving
Planting the Seeds of Success in Supported Employment
For quite some time, I have been wondering like many of you just how we can jump start supported employment for people with disabilities.
Tales of the Divine Ms. M
Newsletter 3 Click the link above to read all about what’s been happening so far this spring at the Shining Beautiful! See who Mikelle
We Got a Bite Out of the Apple
We Got a Bite Out of the Apple Ron Ustach, a Senior Engineer and the Western States Government Sales Representative with Apple Computers, recently blew
Headphones Just Went Social
Finally, a smart device for the music (or should I say muzik) industry! The music industry has just become more connected with social media –
Turn Branding to Familiarity for Small Business Start-Up Success!
Big corporations use the fancy term called “branding” and “brand awareness”. The goal is the same as it is as a small business owner trying
Building a City Rich with Inclusive Communities
On a cool, winter evening in late February, a few dozen young, urban professionals gathered at the newest location of Lime, an upscale Mexican restaurant
Dating Guidelines For the Cautious
We all need a little guidance now and then, especially when it comes to finding someone special enough to date. These guidelines were written with
Love, Disability and Single Parenting, Part Two
Guest Blog Post by Katie Grange February is the month of love. Can a single special needs mom find love? Katie and I