Mikelle and I feel compelled to write about life with a disability, not just the challenges but the opportunities, the friendships, the innovations, and the brilliance of our communities in action as we share our everyday life living with a disability. With a little more information, motivation, we hope to share how our life is shining beautiful and maybe help you to shine beautiful, too.
Happy New Year? Will 2022 be Better? The 120 Day Challenge.
Well…..2021 was quite the year. Right? After all the food has been eaten, parties have been partied and resolutions have been made it is finally
Holiday Cheer!
Tradition Every year is different, yet the same during the holidays. Tradition abounds at the Shining Beautiful household. So Mikelle’s annual holiday party is not
Are We Doomed?
Part Two Exhaustion Sets In In last month’s blog post, Mikelle and I lamented that we are still in the middle of a staffing
Staff Shortages are Scary. Part One.
It is Friday night, and I have a chance to do a bit of Salsa dancing with friends at a new brewery in town. It
Back to the Future, Part 2. Circling the Wagons.
If you read last month’s blog post, we discussed that it is best to circle the wagons in times of uncertainty. This month we
Back to the Future?
Two years ago, Mikelle and I felt pretty comfortable living in her downtown condo. We had a solid team of support for Mikelle. Her life
Rituals Matter Even When They Change.
I thought this summer, Mikelle’s long-standing birthday tradition of a large gathering of friends at the local park might insist on a return to normal
Am I Eating Right?
I am intrigued. For all the health and fitness information on the internet, stacked in the aisle at book stores, there is very little
Adding Voice to Advocacy
Advocacy is a Latin term made up of two words “Ad” and “Voca” which means “amplify” and “Voice” thus advocacy is the process of amplifying the voices
March Madness
“Never let the things you cannot do prevent you from doing the things you can.” -Coach John Wooden Oh my goodness, the light at
Sunshine in Winter
In the heart of winter lies February, the month of love. For us, it has been about romantic love for the pandemic that has
Once Upon Tomorrow
Once upon tomorrow, will there be rainbows? What colors will we see? Where will the yellow brick road lead? And, what will life be like