Mikelle and I feel compelled to write about life with a disability, not just the challenges but the opportunities, the friendships, the innovations, and the brilliance of our communities in action as we share our everyday life living with a disability. With a little more information, motivation, we hope to share how our life is shining beautiful and maybe help you to shine beautiful, too.
Do Your Shoes Match Your Friendship?
By Ian Harwick Being friends with Mikelle and preparing for a surprise is always good. As strange as that sounds, if you are prepared for
Planning or Preparation? Which Works Better?
Change – it pushed me in directions I did not want to go. The diagnosis of my daughter’s disability, divorce, and my sister’s death took
The Easy Power of Simple Business Cards
It’s a simple thing, a business card. Typically, most people carry them, especially if they are interested in working. Most people with disabilities don’t.
Texting With Words For Life And Text Plus App
What once looked like an expensive blank slate, void of the traditional programs typically loaded on desktop and laptop computers; Mikelle’s iPad has become populated
iPad Accessories–The Otterbox Latch.
Brian Simms, Mikelle Learned and Otter Latch for iPad We love the iPad for augmenting Mikelle’s communication and entertainment needs. But, we had a problem.
The Truth Is…People with Disabilities Face Obstacles Everyday
The truth is when I woke up on Wednesday morning, the last thing I imagined I would do was push an elephant up a hill
The Gift of Great Friendship with Denver’s cbs4’s, Dominic Garcia
Watch out! Here comes Mikelle! No matter the setting, this woman knows how to make an entrance. I remember the first time I met
Dell Computers Films Mikelle Learned for New Assistive Technology Program
On a Thursday afternoon, a film crew hired by Dell Computers from Arts + Labor https://www.arts-and-labor.com located in Austin, Texas spilled into our living
Josh Winkler–The Man to Go To for a Quick Fix
Sometimes the simplest of things can cause the biggest problems. Imagine yourself four wheeling it, casually cruising along the sidewalks of Denver. Okay, maybe if
Part 2, The Sweetest Thing. Using Indiegogo to help a Veteran.
Posted by Adriana Carlson After my brother Colton, lost his legs in Afghanistan, I desperately wanted to help any way I could. My mom flew
Leadership on the Move. Sometimes it is the small things which make a big difference for people with disabilities.
Update This is a re-post from our former Tango Community site. The story is about innovation and leadership and demonstrates the progress people can make
What if You Could—See What We Hear? 21st Century solutions for people who experience hearing loss.
Posted by: Sally Richards Media Marketing Consultant 20/20 Captioning and Reporting SRichards2020@aol.com https://www.2020captioning.com/ Imagine for a moment, the soft sounds from the hum of car,