
Mikelle and I feel compelled to write about life with a disability, not just the challenges but the opportunities, the friendships, the innovations, and the brilliance of our communities in action as we share our everyday life living with a disability. With a little more information, motivation, we hope to share how our life is shining beautiful and maybe help you to shine beautiful, too.

Meet Our New Roommate

  A little hope is all you need.  Just go down to Hope Tank and get it. Or, maybe in our case, hope will answer a

O’ Happy Day! Roommates Romp!

  “When the cat is away the mice will play.” When Mikelle’s mom, Katherine, goes out of town that can mean only one thing; Party

A Day With Ms Mikelle

A Day With  Ms Mikelle There are lots of things that Mikelle loves to do each day. She’s famous among her friends and family for

Romancing the IEP

Romancing the IEP The Full Life Ahead Foundation recently ask me to write for their new blog on the topic, “The Individual Educational Plan” (otherwise