Mikelle and I feel compelled to write about life with a disability, not just the challenges but the opportunities, the friendships, the innovations, and the brilliance of our communities in action as we share our everyday life living with a disability. With a little more information, motivation, we hope to share how our life is shining beautiful and maybe help you to shine beautiful, too.
Bronco’s and Brothers
It is nice growing up with someone like you—someone to lean on, someone to count on…someone to tell on! ~Author Unknown And, tell on
Why We Love Apple!
Three Delicious Accessibility Tips from our Families at the Forefront of Technology Conference #FFTCON. Do you ever consider yourself lucky? Well, we do.
Insights and Aspirations: Thoughts on 2015 Families at the Forefront of Technology Conference
Thoughts on the 2nd Annual Families at the Forefront of Technology Conference It is almost mythical–our determination. We gathered from all over the country, representing
The conversation continues: Families at the Forefront of Technology Conference 2015
Check out this year’s presenters! To quote John F. Kennedy, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not
Your Are Invited! 2015 Families at the Forefront of Technology
Will we see you at the Viceroy Hotel? We hope so! Mikelle and I are thrilled to be one of the founding Families at the
In Pursuit of the American Dream Part Two – Home Ownership
As special needs parents, there are many choices to make as you run the obstacle course of raising a child with disabilities. From the minute
Are You Demonizing Time or Loving it?
It is nonsense to say there is not enough time to be fully informed…Time given to thought is the greatest time saver of all. ~
Making Our Partners Look Good: Activating the Elegance of Supported Living
“Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it is spent. Be careful
Meet Our New Roommate
A little hope is all you need. Just go down to Hope Tank and get it. Or, maybe in our case, hope will answer a
In Pursuit of the American Dream Part One
The tulips have come and gone, replaced by lilacs, trees in full foliage and climbing temperatures. Like the seasons of the year, we have come
O’ Happy Day! Roommates Romp!
“When the cat is away the mice will play.” When Mikelle’s mom, Katherine, goes out of town that can mean only one thing; Party
A Day With Ms Mikelle
A Day With Ms Mikelle There are lots of things that Mikelle loves to do each day. She’s famous among her friends and family for