Mikelle and I feel compelled to write about life with a disability, not just the challenges but the opportunities, the friendships, the innovations, and the brilliance of our communities in action as we share our everyday life living with a disability. With a little more information, motivation, we hope to share how our life is shining beautiful and maybe help you to shine beautiful, too.
Love, Disability and the Single Parent
Guest Blog Post by Katie Grange February is the month of love. Can a single special needs mom find love? Katie and I have shared
#4 Strategy for Using Old School Ways to Embrace New World Rehabilitation Realities…Creativity
Creativity Maybe the Last Strategy for Using Old School Ways to Embrace New World Rehabilitation Realities….but it might just be the best one. You are
#3 Strategy for Using Old School Ways to Embrace New World Rehabilitation Realities…Community Partnerships
Once upon a time, communities were closed to people with disabilities. Steps and curbs prohibited people with mobility challenges, like my daughter Mikelle, from accessing
A Very Happy New Year To You
A Very Happy New Year After all the food has been eaten, parties have been partied and resolutions have been made it is finally time
Ideas Change Systems. The #2 Old School Way to Embracing New World Realities
#2 Great Ideas The future for both education and adult rehabilitation systems lies in you, in the beautiful grey matter in your head. Questions and
What’s the #1 Old School Strategy for Negotiating New World Rehabilitation Realties?
“I don’t wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work.” Pearl
Can Old School Ways Help Us Embrace New World Rehabilitation Realities?
“One faces the future with one’s past.” Pearl S. Buck So, how’s the IEP (or any other planning) process treating you? Are you excited for
Can Living with a Roommate with a Disability be the Best Roommate Ever?
According to Taylor Mason, Mikelle’s current roommate the answer is YES! Find out why. Both Mikelle and Taylor want to help you or someone you
5 Steps to Self-Determination Success
Many families, people with disabilities and providers seek the simple formula for successful self-determination. We have group action plans (GAP Plans), person centered approaches,
Follow the Money!
The now infamous hundred year storm was just winding up, getting ready to smack Colorado on the backside as parents, rehabilitation professionals and interested
Natural Supports. Do They Work? Depends.
There’s no denying it: as caregivers, providers and family members, we love the idea of natural supports, but don’t really believe they will
Who Knew Change Requires Teamwork? A Lesson Learned
In 2007, the use of an online calendar to keep organized made most go “HUH?! – I have a print calendar and agenda right here.